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Become a Kingdom Man
We are the Men of the Armor of God (M.A.G). Our mission is to strive to provide men at our church Community with support through fellowship, prayer and outings. We also seek to develop a relationship and culture in which men are free to bring up personal issues and struggles before other men in hopes of seeking prayer, support and guidance.
We meet every third Saturday of the month
(No meeting in Summer)
Time: 9:00am
Contact us for details.
Become a Christlike Leader
God has called men to be leaders that lead by example. There is none better than Chris as the perfect role model for what a leader's role should be. As Kingdom men, we must aspire to be the heads of our households (Ephesians 5:23) and leaders in the church just like Christ is the head of all men and the church.
To lead also means to serve others; following on Christ's footsteps as it is written on Mark 10:45: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." As such, we are also called to serve our family, our community, and God's church. This group offers men an opportunity to build strong relationships, support one another, and learn from the Word of God what our role and purpose as Kingdom men should be. Men, join us on this journey of faith, leadership, and purpose.
Notable Events
M.A.G. Annual Breakfast Fundraiser:
The Men's Ministry holds an annual breakfast and comedy event to raise funds for Hearty Meals For All and to help the local community of people in need. The 2018 and 2019 events were very successful and we look forward to continuing this tradition and spread God's love throughout the community.
Mask Drive:
During the challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, M.A.G. stepped up to organize a cloth masks giveaway and support our community. Hundreds of masks were safely handed out.
Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on our activities (events & outings).
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